Tuesday 4 November 2008

Just sometimes it really annoys me that we are expecting our nine-going-on-ten year olds to adapt to a new school, manage a full time-table of different subjects in different classrooms, and make progress by so many points in each year. Then come home and still be a child.
It is & always will be too much. Unfortunately, Bedfordshire decided, under influence, (not actually drugs or alcohol) that its middle schools were worth preserving at the expense of its children. Maybe in years to come the children could sue the Council for screwing up their education....
Then, of course, further torture, after four years at middle school, straight into upper school, no time at all to choose GCSE courses & adapt to new teachers. Should've bitten the bullet & moved to Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire or anywhere but Bedfordshire.
Don't get me started on uniform, that's for the next edition of Mutterings. Or maybe I'll pick one of my other irritations.

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