Thursday 6 November 2008


I said it was going to be uniform but I think maybe Dyslexia instead.
Most parents would do anything for their children but spotting the tell-tale signs of dyslexia, is probably a bit beyond what most of us can achieve. Schools should be more aware, looking for the signs, offering support & advice for parents. I know that the education system has been 'on-side' with dyslexia for a relatively short period of time but still, parents aren't expert enough, or in some cases pushy enough. I have heard of dyslexia not being diagnosed by public schools nor until relatively late in education i.e. university; how many have slipped through the net, without the extra help that they were 'entitled' to; and not achieved what they could have done - go on, I know Richard Branson managed in spite of the problems to create a multi-million pound business empire. We are having one of our children tested for dyslexia, paying for a private assessment, because the school, even on pushing, didn't offer to organise it, suggesting instead a trip to the GP. Has anyone been to the GP recently to try to get something like dyslexia diagnosed?

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